Pakistan is a lovely country. A land of hope and promise indeed, but unfortunately a large segment of
the population remains below the poverty line, with little or no access to basic facilities such as
education and health, leading to thousands of people across Pakistan to live socially and economically
impoverished lives. Ameer Begum Welfare Trust was established in 2003 with the purpose to alleviate
poverty across Pakistan and to uplift underprivileged people through its projects in 3 key areas:
Education, Health and Economic Rehabilitation.
We live in a society where hundreds of hungry children cry themselves to sleep every night, where every
day numerous children stay out of school, where every hour someone dies because health facilities are
both inaccessible and unaffordable. These are the people who have never really had a choice. But we
have a choice. We can choose to look the other way, or to lend a helping hand, and change lives.
At ABWT we aim to alleviate poverty as well as spread joy,
and we have 4 Programs and 12 projects to do so.
Browse our programs below to find out what connects to your heart.
Through our Education Programs, the Trust aims to empower the future of Pakistan, ie today’s students, by enabling them to reach their potential and make a positive contribution not only to their families, but also to society as whole.
ABWT believes that a healthy society is a productive society, and with this in mind, the Trust has been working to help people in the health sector for over 16 years.
Through our various Economic Rehabilitation projects, ABWT helps people in different fields, ranging from helping with the daily struggle of expensive “ration” to fulfilling the heart’s desire of performing Umrah to those who cannot afford it.
ABWT started its mission in 2003 with the Collective Marriages Program, and was the Pioneer in this program
Since 2003, ABWT has been striving to alleviate poverty and empower the people of Pakistan to make a better life for themselves. We´ve always operated on a 100% model. This means that 100% of your donation is used for your chosen cause. Our administration expenses are handled by funds from private donors
Join ABWT to make a difference
Etiam non erat mi. Etiam congue et augue sed tempus. Aeneansed
ipsum luctus, scelerisque ipsum nec, iaculis justo. Sed atvestibulum.